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Money mail and prospecting
by: Ted Wolk

Hi Sonya;

Some companies provide a mailing program to assist agents. What you do is provide a list of names to be mailed and then pick a letter from their money mail book that fits the list you are mailing too. They then do that mailing for you at a discounted rate, as an example 20 cents per letter. They include a return postage card that will come back to you if person is interested in your specific mailer you sent them.

You should check and see if your company has something like this or can recommend an outside source.

I use to use this for newly married, new mortgages, new babies, rosters of little league teams, etc.

I am sure you have received mailings from your P & C carrier that asked you to consider buying something. That is money mail. It is usually target market orientated. Such as mortgage protection for your new home.

I also sent my own letters out with my own targeting market ideas. Open this link and review the 3 target marketing concepts I used to generate appointments. >

Notation: If doing your own mailings, you can get a bulk mailing permit from your post office and if you send out at least 200 mailers, you can get a bulk rate postage stamp that is very cheap compared to using regular stamps. Call your post office for details.

My own money mail was when I sent out a short letter (using power phrase or teaser) to get there attention, and then told them I will be giving them a courtesy call to see if they would like to get together with me to gain a clearer picture of how this concept works.

Hope this helps...Ted

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