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Thank you
by: John Young

Thanks Ted for your prompt response. What youare saying makes sense and supports my thoughts as well. Yes I am aware of videos that may be emailed to prospects and could be used for a second sale possibly.

Telesales marketing
by: Ted

Doing any type of sales that are not a face to face interview creates a limited opportunity to really do very much with the client. It is hard to build a business relationship without actually meeting someone eyeball to eyeball.

Insurance Telesales are pretty much designed for those customers and those people who have one specific objective and that is to buy the lowest possible term insurance policy. Trying to deviate away from that mindset is almost next to impossible.

Unfortunately, these type of people do not understand or realize that sitting down with a insurance professional will usually result in a better financial plan on a long term basis.

Many years ago, I developed a video that we used to drop off to prospects, and have them watch it and fill out a needs form after they watched it.
Maybe your company could come up with some type of a program that would do that, thereby allowing telesales marketers to go back to the client for another sale. There are some companies that offer that service today. you may have to dig them out on the internet.

Wish I could come up with a better solution.

Have a great day.

Ted Wolk

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