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visiting with friends and relatives
by: Ted Wolk

Hi Pete;

I felt the same way when I started. The advice I got was what I will pass along to you. here are some icebreakers for you.

First off when calling and friends or relatives,let them know what kind of work you do and let them know that when you work with anyone, including friends and family,everything is kept confidential.

Let them know that is the only way you can operate. If you were to violate that rule, you would be out of business.

And secondly, if they object, just let them know that if anything happen to them, I don't want your wife or husband coming up to me and asking me why did you not contact us, since you were in the life insurance business.

In fact I used that as an opening line.

call and say that your in the business, that you want to show them the kind of work you do and if they become a client of yours everything is done in a complete confidential setting.

when sitting with them i use to also say. Bob and Joe, (and using a cup or any object,) Just like this cup, I am going to set our friendship aside for the moment and I will visit with you on a business and professional level, and when we get done, no matter what the outcome, I will move this friendship back. (move object back)

Hope this helps


Keep On Talking
by: Cherished

This is how Art Williams made his millions, doing just that. Get a chance, read Art Willims, book titled "Coach".

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