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by: Prima

Hi, I have the same feeling about this issue. But now it's getting clearer. I'll try this method in approcahing my families and friends.

Prima - Indonesia

Family and Friends
by: Ted

In my opinion, the worst thing you can do is not let your family and friends know what Kind of work you do.

First of all, you need to understand that you are selling money and not insurance.

Secondly, You need to call your family and friends and say As an example " Hey uncle Bob, I recently started a new career. I am now selling money. I discovered that most people have a need for my type of services.

What I want to do, is take about 45 minutes and show you the type of work I do, with the hopes that you can refer me to people in need of my services.

I am not going to try to sell you anything (put them at ease) unless you see something that you want to discuss further with me. Are daytime of evening appointments better for you?

You then better have a good presentation. You can adjust this sales interview concept to fit what ever situation is needed. The bottom line is you better come away with at least 3 good referrals from each interview.

This is called making the hitch sale. Hitching yourself to their friends.

Hi Bill, My Friend Or my uncle asked me to contact you about what I do, etc, etc.

Hope you get this concept and work it.+

have a great day


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