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No support
by: Ted Wolk

This is a tough situation.

I would suggest the following 3 things.

If you can, sit down with your leader and explain to him your feelings. Most of the times a leader or manager has no idea they are creating an uncomfortable situation until it is brought to their attention. I use to have this problem all the time and I appreciated my agents coming to me and explaining their feelings.

If that won't work, or if your leader has a significant social problem like drinking or not representing the company or the insurance industry as a professional, then you should contact your home office and locate someone in charge of your division and tell them that you would like to talk to someone in private, about a serious problem you are having with your leader.

And finally, if either of those don't help solve the problem, then you may want to consider changing companies.

However, I understand that in some countries you need to get a release from your current company to move on. I am not sure if your country requires this.

Hope this helps.

Ted Wolk

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