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Life Insurance marketing requires the skills of concept selling and painting word pictures. These are very powerful methods to help make life insurance sales and are a very important aspect to successful life insurance marketing.
Marketing Life insurance requires innovation. Concept selling is innovative, and will help you in communicating a clearer picture about what your product can do for your prospect.
Concept selling is simply taking a product and selling it on the basis of an idea, making it more palatable to the customer. It is painting a word picture to the prospect, letting them visualize a certain situation.
Most prospects start thinking in terms of paying out money for life insurance premiums, when it is associated with the word life insurance.
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is an intangible product. Can you feel it? Can you touch it? Of course not.
Sure you have an insurance policy, a document, but it is still an intangible. However, life insurance is a form of money, so we have to express ourselves by talking about money and the benefits of having money to accomplish certain goals.
I am sure that during your life insurance marketing and sales training classes, you were told that life insurance ownership provides peace of mind.
Many of the successful insurance agents tell their clients exactly that. "Mr. Prospect, what you are buying here is peace of mind for you and your family."
Again, this is another intangible. Peace of mind, you can't touch it or feel it. It is a concept, and each person may have a different definition of what peace of mind is to him or her.
Here is a generic version of a closing statement used by an insurance agent that has not yet discovered the art of concept selling:
now here is my selling concept example, on how I present a concept or a word picture for selling an estate planning policy to cover the estate taxes to the prospect:
By selling prospects on a concept, and painting word pictures, they can better visualize how this concept and idea will help them, and are more able to justify paying out a monthly premium. Think about it for a second!
If you take this insurance marketing tidbit, work on it and develop this idea, your life insurance career will be a lot more fun and a lot easier. But be patient, it takes time to work your way into feeling comfortable with new ideas and concepts.
For more insurance selling skill and ideas, go to our site map.
Shown below are three concept selling ideas I developed over the years, which helped me sell bigger insurance policies. Take the time to review them and then make up your own life insurance marketing concept and selling ideas.
Replacing the loss of a partners Social Security Retirement income check
I honestly believe people buy into concepts and word pictures easier than trying to sell them a life insurance policy. The life insurance policy provides the funds, the dollars, to complete the picture.
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