Idea's for a daily action plan?

by Cameron
(Washington State)

My name is Cameron, I am new to the business and only 21 years old. I have built up a pretty big network in my community through coaching at the high school, middle school, and youth levels. My boss is all about sales and not much about developing a plan to help me achieve those sales. I am looking for someone to maybe help me set a plan up or send me a sample of their daily action plan that has helped them become successful. I really just want to be successful and am willing to do whatever it takes to get there. There is just so many places to start a lot of the time I feel like I am just spinning my wheels. Currently I am only licensed in P&C but am working on my life&disability soon. I have all my big goals set and just need someone to help set up the small ones to help me get there. Look forward to hearing from any of you that are willing to take a little time to help me out. Thank you

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Use this work unit to help you.
by: Ted

The insurance agents work unit is a method and an easy way to determine and track your activity level needed for generating a sale. This insurance agents work unit is a simple method to help you develop a successful income formula."

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Building an action plan
by: Ted

Hi Cameron:

If you have not yet read this article. (Open this link

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