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Setting appointments with newlyweds
by: Ted Wolk

Hi Leatha;

When I first started in the business, this was one of my target markets. Usually you have to get to those names right away otherwise they get cold and some other agents may have already called them. There were 3 agents in my town that worked these. Many times I just went to their house and knocked on there door.

My best approach was to call them and I would say.

"Hi, this is Ted Wolk with abc company. how are doing today? (pause) I understand you recently got married.

(there answer---Yes I did.)


The reason I am giving you a courtesy call is that I specialize in dealing with newly weds and would like the opportunity to sit down with both of you and share some ideas related to financial planning.

I don't know if any of my ideas will fit your situation or not, but if nothing more I would like the opportunity to meet you.

Are daytime of evening appointments best.
(Remember always give a choice.)

If evening, then say would 6 o clock Tue work or would Thursday at 8 pm work better.
(usually at that point they will say yes to one of those or say How about Wed at 7pm.)"

(If any other objection, then start to write them down and keep track to see if you run into the same thing over and over, then prepare a counter to handle that objection.)

Sounds great, looking forward to meeting both of you. Hang up. Don't get to yacking away. (now you send out a reminder card unless appointment is the next day)

(Now take the time and go to the left side of this page and look for the link that says USING THE PHONE, click that link on and follow the tips in that article. There are plenty more ideas and additional information on that page to help you.)

(You should also order my Prospect or Die E-book. It is only $9.95. That link is located on the right side of this page.)

Hope this helps. let me know.

Have a great day.

Ted Wolk, author

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