Beginning Income Potential

by MC
(Medford Oregon)

I am of middle age and thinking of becoming a Life Insurance Sales Agent. I will be coming from a regular paying position to commissions only. How soon and how much will I realistically be looking at for income in the first month. Considering I am a go getter.

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New agent income potential
by: Ted Wolk

Hi MC;

You are asking a question that is hard to answer. If you are a go getter, that is a big plus.

When I built my agency, I usually would hire people part time and let them work into the full time mode, or make sure they had enough resources to carry them through for the early months.

Some companies provide a training allowance to help a new agent bridge the first 90 days.

Their is no answer that anyone can really provide.

In my case, I did start on straight commission and also was a go getter. It eventually worked out, but the first year was the toughest.

I hope you use my website as a resource to help you with your career as this is why I developed it. To help new people like you get started.
Start out reading the section called "These Are The Steps Needed to Successfully Sell Insurance"
located on the left side of our webpage.

Keep in touch and have a great day.

Ted Wolk

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