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Insurance Marketing and Relationship Building Ideas
March 07, 2017

Insurance Marketing and Selling Ideas

As a personal producer and agency manager, and possibly your insurance mentor, I want to share some selling ideas and concept I became associated with over the years. Many of these proven and tested insurance marketing ideas helped my agents become successful in the life insurance business.

Click on the following link and the other links in this article to help you with more selling and insurance marketing ideas. Insurance Marketing Ideas

Something to Think About

Experience is something that is learned over time, through trial and error. This results in hours and hours of valuable wasted time. However, it is a known fact that almost all successful people learned that they have to have a mentor. A mentor is someone who has gone through all those experiences and is willing to share the successful ideas with you that he or she learned through the school of hard knocks. A good mentor can help you accelerate your experience learning curve.

I remember when I started to agency build, My mentor suggested that I purchase a number of recruiting and agency building tools. I indicated to him that I did not have the money to do that. And his words ring in my ears today, when he said "well I guess your not really committed to the life insurance industry yet"

Remember, as an insurance agent you are a sole proprietor, a business owner, and there is always going to be costs associated with your business.

Knowledge is power

Have a great day...Ted

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Ted Wolk

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If so, then you should get my
Prospect or Die E-Book

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Managing the Art of Closing a Sale e-book

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Thanks for being part of our team. Have a great day.

Life is good.

Ted Wolk

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