Private student loans are usually co-signed by the parents. These loans can end up being being fairly large. So if you have clients that have children going into college, you may want to contact them about putting some type of a life insurance policy on that child. Why? because if something were to happen to that child, car accident,etc, the parents are on the hook to pay off that loan. For those of you just coming into the business, this could be a nice target market to get a new client by writing a cheap term insurance policy on them.
Remember, always have two proposals available. Always give them a choice when closing. "Do you want plan A, or does Plan B better suit your needs?" When you only give them one choice, it is a yes or no answer. Need more info on closing: Use our search button on our home page, and enter keyword
"closing" for our site.
Have a great day.
Ted P.S. Please pass our site along to another agent or your agency training manager. They will appreciate it.