It's easy to get updates from our website, and here are a few tips on selling insurance since Mr. groundhog is giving us 6 more weeks of winter..
Many of our readers are unaware that they can create an automatic link to our website so that they can receive all of the ongoing updates and get access to new topics as soon as they come out.
If you click on this page, How to sell Insurance, and look all the way down on the bottom left side below the Nav Bars you will see an orange RSS button as well as several browser links such as google, etc. (Oh yes, there are a number of good selling insurance articles you can link to also.)
Okay, where was I, oh yes, if you were to click on the orange RSS button, which stands for
Really Simple Syndication,
and then click on the submit button, this will automatically create a link to your e-mail page that will then deliver all of our upcoming sales and marketing articles we send out, and then about once every week when we add a new topic page it will be delivered to you. Sort of like a cyber mailman. You also have the option to click on google or any of the other links, and if you do that, then we will automatically set up a special mailbox on your browser page and "Walla" you are part of our brainstorming team and get all the updates.
Why don't you just go ahead and try it. If you don't like it, all you have to do is click on the delete button and its all gone. As I mentioned in our prior mailing we have just added the open forums concept to our site. We will be including open forums on certain key pages and you will be able to Brainstorm, post topics, ask questions and get answers via these open forums. .
Need help, Just
contact me.
Remember, make that one extra phone call..Have a great day..Ted